ENT Treatment Units

Matching accessories

dantschke MEDICENTER Otlaphari

The economic miracle model. Compressed air, water, light - sometimes that's all you need. Practical and beautiful. It's also nice that it can grow with you and your requirements. And that's just the beginning.

Simply everything in view

So that you can keep an eye on what really matters - your patients.

Simply everything in its place

So that you have everything under control - for your patients.

Simply everything in and on

So that you can concentrate on the essentials - your patients.
Equipment & technical data

Basic equipment

Otlaphari Compact

Colour pack

A small selection of possible colours.

Technology package

Suction device

Water facility

Compressed air system

External lighting package

Cold light sources in the separate light module

Internal lighting package

Cold light sources internally in the technology module

Otlaphari Compact Plus

Otlaphari 500

Otlaphari 670 instrument cabinet

Instrumentenschrank Otlaphari 820


Your enquiry MEDICENTER Otlaphari

In order to meet the individual requirements of your work routines, we will be happy to provide you with a personalised and non-binding offer based on the following form.

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